后续: in the future
再次: again
生产: produce(动词)、production(名词)
如果...的话: if
我: 作为主语,用 " I"; 会:will
第一时间: 通常用“尽快”、“最快时间内”,英文表述是“as soon as possible";
通知您: inform you
"后续有再次生产的话",本句欠缺主、受语,用英文表述时,需要加上。根据语义,不妨用被动语态:if it will be put into production again:字面意思是:如果这样东西被投入生产的话; 我会第一时间通知您: I will inform you as soon as possible.
全句就是:I will inform you as soon as possible if it will be put into production again.
For the subsequent cases, if there is re-production, I will inform you at the first instant.
“后续” 中译英是:For the subsequent cases ;
“有再次生产的话” 中译英是:if there is re-production ;
“我会” 中译英是:I will ;
“第一时间” 中译英是: at the first instant. ;
“通知您。” 中译英是:inform you 。
If there is any reproduction, I will inform you first time.