这些翻译成英文是什么 - 爱问答





 In recent years, with the rapid development of China's securities market, accounting information distortion caused by financial fraud has become more and more serious, hindering the healthy development of the securities market. Listed companies are driven by interests, disclose false information, and constantly challenge the relevant legal bottom line. These financial frauds not only bring great disaster to enterprises, but also seriously damage the interests of investors, disrupt the capital market order, and hinder the development of the national economy. In order to prevent financial fraud and maintain the normal operation of the capital market, the relevant regulatory departments have stepped up supervision and successively issued various policies and systems, but from the frequency of financial fraud, the effect is not good. Therefore, the study of financial fraud and fraud prevention measures and suggestions of listed companies still has a strong practical significance. This paper adopts the case analysis method to select the case of sinovel wind power company as an example to study the financial fraud problem of sinovel wind power company based on the theory of fraud triangle. Based on the three factors of pressure, opportunity and self-rationalization, this paper analyzes the financial fraud incidents of Sinovel Wind Company from different angles, and then gives the countermeasures and suggestions of financial fraud prevention of listed companies based on the theory of fraud triangle. Promote the healthy and sustainable development of listed companies and maintain the stability of the securities market.




英语 谜语 作文 数学 公式 语文 物理 化学 工艺 java c语言 实验 方程 金属 分子 数据库 硫酸 酒精 运算 石油 vc 世界大战 php 化合物 mysql
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