大神们帮做做英语题吧^-^ - 爱问答




1、Li Lei does his homework at seven.(改为否定句)

      Li Lei____  ____his homework at seven.

2、His sister had lunch at school yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)

      ____his sister____lunch at school yesterday?

3、He likes the book.So does she.(改为简单句,使句意不变)

      ____he____she like the book.

4、Hurry up,or we'll be late.(改为复合句)

      ____we____hurry,we'll be late.

5、The little girl was so tired that couldn't go farther.(改为简单句,使句意不变)

      The little girl was____tired____go farther.


1. 李平昨晚花了半小时做功课。

______ ______ Li Ping half an hour to finish his homework last night.

2. 当球迷们看到贝克汉姆的时候,他们如此激动以至于大喊大叫。

When the football fans saw Beckham, they got _______ excited _______ they cried out.

3. 她和我都不正确。

_____ she nor I _____ right.

4. 你的书和我的不一样。

Your book is ________ _________ mine.

5. Alice 擅长跳舞。她将来想当个舞蹈家。

Alice is _________ _________ dancing. She wants to be a dancer in the future.


1、Li Lei does his homework at seven.(改为否定句)

      Li Lei(doesn't)(do)his homework at seven.

2、His sister had lunch at school yesterday.(改为一般疑问句)

      (Did)his sister(have)lunch at school yesterday?

3、He likes the book.So does she.(改为简单句,使句意不变)

      (Both)he(and)she like the book.

4、Hurry up,or we'll be late.(改为复合句)

      (If)we(don't)hurry,we'll be late.

5、The little girl was so tired that couldn't go farther.(改为简单句,使句意不变)

      The little girl was(too)tired(to)go farther.


1. 李平昨晚花了半小时做功课。

(It)(took) Li Ping half an hour to finish his homework last night.

2. 当球迷们看到贝克汉姆的时候,他们如此激动以至于大喊大叫。

When the football fans saw Beckham, they got (so) excited (that) they cried out.

3. 她和我都不正确。

(Neither) she nor I (are) right.

4. 你的书和我的不一样。

Your book is (different) (from) mine.

5. Alice 擅长跳舞。她将来想当个舞蹈家。

Alice is (good) (at) dancing. She wants to be a dancer in the future.




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