英语填空题在线解答 - 爱问答



We had a great time in Australia last summer holiday.There_____some beautiful views we wanted  _____.First,we _____    cairns. But the weather was very  hot . Then  we _____  to  the  beach and _____ a trip on  board.Next, we went  to Brisbane,and  we _____  in  the  city    and  visited  many _____    places.  We  also  visited an  animal   park.We  saw   a  lot  of  Australian _____  . Iast  ,we  went  to Sydney.   It's  a  very  big _____noisy(喧闹的)city  in  the  south.We _____  some  friends  there.

 1、see  2、walk 3、visited 4、animal 5、interest 6、have 7、but 8、make 9、go 10、are用以上十个单词适当形式填空,每次只能使用一次

1. were

2. to see

3. visted

4. went

5. had

6. walked

7.  intereting

8. animals

9. but

10. made




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