用英语解释在太阳系中太阳,月亮,地球之间的关系 - 爱问答




太阳是太阳系的中心,地球是太阳系中一颗行星。月亮是地球的一颗天然卫星,地球和月亮构成的行星系围绕太阳进行公转。太阳是太阳系的中心天体,占有太阳系总体质量的99.86%。太阳系中的八大行星、小行星、流星、彗星、外海王星天体以及星际尘埃等,都围绕着太阳公转,而太阳则围绕着银河系的中心公转。太阳是位于太阳系中心的恒星,它几乎是热等离子体与磁场交织着的一个理想球体。月球,俗称月亮,古时又称太阴、玄兔,是地球唯一的天然卫星[nb 4][6],并且是太阳系中第五大的卫星。月球的直径是地球的四分之一,质量是地球的1/81,相对于所环绕的行星,它是质量最大的卫星,也是太阳系内密度第二高的卫星,仅次于木卫一。

The sun is the center of the solar system, the earth is a planet in the solar system.The moon is a natural satellite of the earth, the earth and the moon planetary orbit around the sun.The sun is the center of the solar system objects, accounts for 99.86% of overall quality in the solar system.In the solar system eight planets, asteroids and meteors and comets, Neptune objects and interstellar dustAll revolve around the sun, while the sun is orbiting around the center of our galaxy.Stars the sun is located in the center of the solar system, it is almost a thermal plasma and magnetic field of mixed with a perfect sphere.The moon, commonly known as the moon, also known as the ancient lunar, xuan rabbit, is the only natural satellite of the earth [nb 4] [6].And the fifth largest satellite in the solar system. The diameter of the moon is a quarter of the earth, the quality is 1/81 of the earth,Relative to the planets around, it is the largest satellite in the quality,Satellite is high density within the solar system, second only to IO




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