帮忙改一下诗歌,变得押韵一点 - 爱问答



I Am

I am affectionate and lucky.

I wonder why I am so lucky to have you.

I hear your breathe sounds.

I see the light on you flickering.

I want to play with you.

I am affectionate and lucky.


I pretend that I don't care about you.

I feel it’s exciting to live with you.

I touch your body and your hand.

I worry I can't play with you.

I cry I can’t play with you.

I am affectionate and lucky.


I understand that playing with you is wrong.

I say I must say goodbye to you.

I dream I play with you.

I try to study hard so that I can play with you.

I hope I can play with you.

I am affectionate and lucky.

I am a

I am very feeling, very lucky.

I want to know why I was so lucky to have you.

I heard you breathing.

I see you shine.

I want to play with you.

I am very feeling, very lucky.

I pretended not to care about you.

I'm so excited to live with you.

I touch your body and your hands.

I'm afraid I can't play with you.

I'm crying. I can't play with you.

I am very feeling, very lucky.

I know it's not right to play with you.

I said I had to say goodbye.

I dreamed I was playing with you.

I study hard so that I can play with you.

I wish I could play with you.

I am very feeling, very lucky.



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