普吉岛旅游英语介绍 - 爱问答



普吉岛(Phuket Island),泰国南部岛屿,位于泰国南部马来半岛西海岸外的安达曼海(Andaman Sea)。首府普吉镇地处岛的东南部,是一个大港口和商业中心。普吉岛是泰国最大的海岛,也是泰国最小的一个府。以其迷人的风光和丰富的旅游资源被称为“安达曼海上的一颗明珠”。普吉岛自然资源十分丰富,有“珍宝岛”、“金银岛”的美称。主要矿产是锡,还盛产橡胶、海产和各种水果。岛上工商业、旅游业都较发达。 
Phuket Island (Phuket Island), the southern Thailand Island, located in the west coast of Thailand the southern Malay Peninsula and the Andaman Sea (Andaman Sea). The capital of Phuket Town is located in the southeast of the island, is a major port and commercial center. Phuket Island is Thailand"s largest island, is a minimal house in Thailand. With its charming scenery and rich tourism resources, known as the "Pearl of the Dammam sea". Phuket Island is very rich in natural resources, "Chen-pao Island", "treasure island" reputation. The main mineral is also rich in tin, rubber, seafood and fruits. The island of industrial and commercial, tourism is developed.




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