用英语介绍下平凡的世界急用。多谢 - 爱问答



着重解读生活态度 生活的本质 贴近平民的写作Ordinary World is completed by Lu Yao in May 1988 of a million words long masterpiece. Is a panoramic view to the performance of urban and rural social life in contemporary novels. The book is three. On a broad background in the last decade, through complex conflicts and disputes of all walks of life depicted the image of many ordinary people. Labor and love, frustration and the pursuit of pain and joy, life and enormous social conflicts, complicated and interwoven, deeply era show ordinary people in the historical process of the path traversed by difficulties and setbacks. In particular the plight of the hero to face the spirit of hard work, today there is still a great impact on people.




控制 天下 西游记 祝福 三国演义 斗罗大陆 隋唐 灵魂 童年 左耳 复活 项链 斗破苍穹 蝙蝠 校花 勇气 风流 黑客 盗墓笔记 神武 魔域 小爱 完美世界 全职高手
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