英语练习题 - 爱问答



The man is_____ enough to finish the task.  A careless  B careful  C care23It is already April,but it is still______in the north of China.  Awarm  Bcold  Crainy24The boy runs______fast as his sister.  A as  B so  C much25Neither you______I will go to the meeting tomorrow.  A or  B nor  C and26Jeff and his schoolmates________the classroom tomorrow afternoon.  A clean  B are cleaning  C are going to clean27The weather report says it_______tomorrow.  A is going to rain  B rains  C rain28I am_____a vocational school now.  A in  B at  C on29Some students work_____cashiers in shops.  A do  B  to  C as30When does your mother usually____to bed?  A go  B goes  C sleep31What do you_______Hangzhou?  A like  B think of  C enjoy32In Sanya, it is very hot and the ______ might be as high as 35°C.  A weather  B climate  C temperature33You'd better ______ at home and ______ your homework.  A to stay, do  B stay, do  C to stay, to do34-Would you like to have dinner with me this evening?-Yes ,I________.  A would  B would like  C would like to35We have friends all ______the world.  A in  B over  C through36Your advice is good. I’ll ____ it.  A take  B give  C make37What’s the weather like in _____ hometown?  A you  B your  C yours38British people are different ______the Americans.  A to  B of  C from39Some girls help________the rooms clean.  A keep  B to keep  C do40The teacher ________us to come to school on time.  A ask  B asking  C asks41Would you like_________ another one?  A change  B to change for  C to change42Can I have a look _______your dress?  A for  B at  C up43What is the price_______ the skirt?  A for  B at  C of44How much _____your shoes?  A are  B is  C was45I want to _______a pair of pants.  A look  B see  C buy46The coat is too_____ , I have no money .  A cheap  B expensive  C dear47Please write down your name_______ the receipt .  A at  B in  C on48What do you often ____ in school?  A put on  B wear  C try on49I _______a shirt yesterday.  A buy  B bought  C buys50I just want to get my money______.  A in  B out  C back51Here________.  A is it  B it is  C does it52He is bargaining_______ the shop assistant.  A for  B to  C With53What color do you like, red______blue?  A and  B or  C so54She was _______ honest lady.  A a  B an  C /55________ do you think of your job?  A What  B How  C When56He ________ me in the street just now.  A meet  B met  C meets57She _______ out 10 yuan and left.  A takes  B took  C take58I have a ___________ of tea every morning.  A glass  B cup  C bottle59What do you have __________ your breakfast?  A for  B at  C of60-Which of the skirts do you like?-_______ is OK. They are out of style.  A Either  B Neither  C Both61Girls eat ________ food than boys.  A little  B less  C least62Tom gets up _______than Dick.  A early  B earlier  C earliest63Tom is the_______ of the three.  A youngest  B younger  C young64You’d better get up ________ in the morning.  A early  B earlier  C earliest65You’d better not _______it again.  A do  B to do  C doing66The air-conditioning there is one of the ______in town.  A best  B better  C good67She _________make mistakes in the exam.  A don’t  B doesn’t  C didn’t68_________the machine break down?  A Do  B Does  C Did69I _______________ Mr. White in the street last Sunday.  A meet  B meets  C met70He _______________salad and beef at the restaurant last night.  A order  B ordered  C ordering71He didn’t___________to work yesterday.  A go  B going  C went72Tom ________a letter to his father last Sunday.  A write  B wrote  C writing73___________me the book, please.  A Pass  B Passed  C Passing74___________ worry about me.  A Didn’t  B Not  C Don’t75________the machine when something is wrong.  A stop  B stopped  C stopping76Some people spend too ______time in front of the TV.  A many  B more  C much77So we start to_______ fat.  A looks  B look  C looking78Because of my ______, I made a mistake.  A care  B careless  C carelessness79Luckily, my fellow workers_________ me fix the machine and it started working again.  A help  B helped  C helping80But as it was my first day _______ work.  A at  B on  C in81Sichuan is a ____ province in ___ China.  A large, southeast  B big, southwest  C small, northwest82What other festivals do children like ___ Christmas.  A beside  B except  C besides83Halloween is ___ the night of 31 October.  A in  B at  C on84Children ___ strange clothes and masks.  A put on  B take on  C get on85I’ll ____ my classmates with very good food.  A treat  B have  C happen86If you ____ treat the children with candies, they will play tricks on you.  A don’t  B  not  C will not87The children will ___ to different houses and say “Trick or Treat”.  A went  B came  C go88Every afternoon they ___ sports after class.  A play  B will play  C plays89Every family ___ some candies ready on Halloween.  A get  B gets  C got90People put ___ warm clothes in winter.  A of  B up  C on91They will leave the pumpkins ___ the door.  A in  B on  C by92I got a new job in a factory and started working ___.  A yesterday  B next week  C tomorrow93____me the book, please.  A Pass  B Passed  C Passing94There ___ many buttons on the machine..  A is  B are  C was95I feel so sorry ___ my mistake.  A to  B and  C for96How about ___ to the theatre?  A go  B going  C to go97That sounds a bit ____ to me.  A bored  B boring  C bore98It is _____ now.  A a quarter past six  B six past a quarter  C six a quarter99In big cities, traffic is so heavy ___.  A at lunch time  B at night  C during rush hour100She is interested ___ English pop music.  A at  B on  C in

B careful、The man is_careful_ enough to finish the task.

23  B cold、It is already April,but it is still_cold_in the north of China.

24.  A as、The boy runs_as_fast as his sister.

25. B nor、Neither you_nor_I will go to the meeting tomorrow.

26. C are going to clean、Jeff and his schoolmates_are going to clean_the classroom tomorrow afternoon.

27. A is going to rain、The weather report says it_is going to rain_tomorrow.

28. B at、I am_at_a vocational school now.

29. C as、Some students work_as_cashiers in shops.

30. A go、When does your mother usually_go_to bed?

31. B think of、What do you_think of_Hangzhou?

32. C temperature、In Sanya, it is very hot and the _temperature_ might be as high as 35°C.

33. B stay, do、You'd better _stay_ at home and _do_ your homework.

34. C would like to、 Would you like to have dinner with me this evening?-Yes, I_would like to_.  

35. B over、We have friends all _over_the world.

36. A take、Your advice is good. I’ll _take_ it.

37. B your、What’s the weather like in _your_ hometown?

38. C from、British people are different _from_the Americans.

39. B to keep、Some girls help_to keep_the rooms clean.

40. C asks、The teacher _ask_us to come to school on time.  

41. B to change for、Would you like_to change for_ another one?

42. B at、Can I have a look _at_your dress?  

43. C of、What is the price_of_ the skirt?

44. A are、How much _are_your shoes?

45. C buy、I want to _buy_a pair of pants.  

46. B exspensive、The coat is too_expensive_ , I have no money .  

47. C on、Please write down your name_on_ the receipt .  

48. B wear、What do you often _wear_ in school?

49. B bought、I _bought_a shirt yesterday.  

50. C back、I just want to get my money_back_.  

51. B it is、Here_it is_.

52. C with、He is bargaining_with_ the shop assistant.

53. B or、What color do you like, red_or_blue?

54. B an、She was _an_ honest lady.  

55. A What、_What_ do you think of your job?  

56. B met、He _met_ me in the street just now.  

57. B took、She _took_ out 10 yuan and left.  

58. B cup、I have a _cup_ of tea every morning.  

59. A for、What do you have _for_ your breakfast?  

60. B Neither、-Which of the skirts do you like?-_Neither_ is OK. They are out of style.

61. B less、Girls eat _less_ food than boys.  

62. B earlier、Tom gets up _earlier_than Dick.  

63. A youngest、Tom is the_youngest_ of the three.

64. A early、You'd better get up _early_ in the morning.  

65. B to do、You'd better not _to do_it again.  

66. A best、The air-conditioning there is one of the _best_in town.  

67. C didn't、She _didn't_make mistakes in the exam.  

68. C Did、_Did_the machine break down?

69. C met、I _met_ Mr. White in the street last Sunday.

70. B ordered、He _ordered_salad and beef at the restaurant last night.  

71. A go、He didn't_go_to work yesterday.

72. B wrote、Tom _wrote_a letter to his father last Sunday.  

73. A Pass、_Pass_me the book, please.

74. C Don't、_Don't_ worry about me.  

75. A Stop、_Stop_the machine when something is wrong.

76. C much、Some people spend too _much_time in front of the TV.  

77. B look、So we start to_look_ fat.  

78. C carelessness、Because of my _carelessness_, I made a mistake.  

79. B helped、 Luckily, my fellow workers_helped_ me fix the machine and it started working again.

80. A at、But as it was my first day _at_ work.

81. B big, southwest、Sichuan is a _big_ province in _southwest_ China.

82. C besides、What other festivals do children like besides_ Christmas.  

83. C on、Halloween is _on_ the night of 31 October.  

84. A put on、Children _put on_ strange clothes and masks.  

85. A treat、I'll _treat_ my classmates with very good food.  

86. A don't、If you _don't_ treat the children with candies, they will play tricks on you.

87. C go、The children will _go_ to different houses and say “Trick or Treat”.  

88. A play、Every afternoon they _paly_ sports after class.

89. B gets、Every family _gets_ some candies ready on Halloween.  

90. C on、People put _on_ warm clothes in winter.

91. C by、They will leave the pumpkins _by_ the door.  

92. A yesterday、I got a new job in a factory and started working _yesterday_.

93. A Pass、_Pass_me the book, please.

94. B are、There _are_ many buttons on the machine..

95. C for、I feel so sorry _for_ my mistake.  

96. B going、How about _going_ to the theatre?  

97. B boring、That sounds a bit _boring_ to me.  

98. A a quarter past six、 It is _a quarter past six_ now.  

99. C during rush hour、In big cities, traffic is so heavy _during rush hour_.  

100. C in、She is interested _in_ English pop music.




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电学的一个小问题 为什么打点计时器只能粗略瞬时速度 lookdownupon用法 中专都考不上大学有必要复读一年吗? 如图,已知∠B=∠DEF,AB=DE,请添加一个条件使△ABC≌△DEF,则需添加的条件是__________. 求曲线y=2x^2和直线y=2的所围图形的面积 夜上受降城闻笛是哪句 这个怎么填数字? 小明家下五层楼是5楼,那么小明家上五层楼是几层楼? 填空题,这个题目是怎么算的呢…… 22335577()143中括号里填什么数字。 懂得人帮我看一下这个英文是啥意思??? 最小的物质单位是什么 怎么估算根号52000000 about的重读字母是哪里